is an R package for fitting phylogenetic
structural equation models (PSEMs). The package generalizes features in
existing R packages:
for structural equation models (SEMs);
for comparison among alternative path
for fitting large linear models that arise as
when specifying a SEM with one endogenous variable and multiple
exogenous and independent variables;
for interpolating missing values when
specifying a SEM with an unstructured (full rank) covariance among
In model configurations that can be fitted by both
and these other packages, we have confirmed that
results are nearly identical or otherwise identified reasons that
results differ.
involves a simple user-interface that specifies
the SEM using notation from package sem
and the
phylogenetic tree using package ape
. It allows uers to
specify common models for the covariance including:
- Brownian motion (BM);
- Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU);
- Pagel’s lambda;
- Pagel’s kappa;
Output can be coerced to standard formats so that
can use plotting and summary functions form other
packages. Available output formats include:
, for plotting the estimated SEM and summarizing
direct and indirect effects;
, for plotting and model comparison;
in R-package phylobase
plotting estimated traits;
Below, we specifically highlight the syntax, runtime, and output
resulting from phylosem
and other packages.
Comparison with phylolm
We first compare syntax and run-times using simulated data against
. This confirms that runtimes from
are within an order of magnitude and that results
are nearly identical for BM, OU, delta, and kappa models.
# Settings
Ntree = 100
sd_x = 0.3
sd_y = 0.3
b0_x = 1
b0_y = 0
b_xy = 1
# Simulate tree
tree = ape::rtree(n=Ntree)
# Simulate data
x = b0_x + sd_x * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
ybar = b0_y + b_xy*x
y_normal = ybar + sd_y * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
# Construct, re-order, and reduce data
Data = data.frame(x=x,y=y_normal)[]
# Compare using BM model
start_time = Sys.time()
plm_bm = phylolm::phylolm(y ~ 1 + x, data=Data, phy=tree, model="BM" )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.005264759 secs
knitr::kable(summary(plm_bm)$coefficients, digits=3)
(Intercept) |
-0.371 |
0.214 |
-1.734 |
0.086 |
x |
1.117 |
0.101 |
11.053 |
0.000 |
NA |
Intercept_x |
1.087 |
0.183 |
5.945 |
0.000 |
NA |
Intercept_y |
-0.371 |
0.213 |
1.743 |
0.081 |
x -> y |
p |
1.117 |
0.101 |
11.109 |
0.000 |
x <-> x |
V[x] |
0.315 |
0.022 |
14.072 |
0.000 |
y <-> y |
V[y] |
0.315 |
0.022 |
14.072 |
0.000 |
# Compare using OU
start_time = Sys.time()
plm_ou = phylolm::phylolm(y ~ 1 + x, data=Data, phy=tree, model="OUrandomRoot" )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.01167011 secs
start_time = Sys.time()
psem_ou = phylosem( sem = "x -> y, p",
data = Data,
tree = tree,
estimate_ou = TRUE,
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.1475885 secs
knitr::kable(summary(psem_ou)$coefficients, digits=3)
NA |
Intercept_x |
1.028 |
0.208 |
4.946 |
0.000 |
NA |
Intercept_y |
-0.274 |
0.235 |
1.165 |
0.244 |
x -> y |
p |
1.099 |
0.101 |
10.887 |
0.000 |
x <-> x |
V[x] |
0.332 |
0.026 |
12.712 |
0.000 |
y <-> y |
V[y] |
0.332 |
0.026 |
12.860 |
0.000 |
(Intercept) |
-0.781 |
0.389 |
-2.006 |
0.048 |
x |
1.095 |
0.101 |
10.850 |
0.000 |
knitr::kable(c( "phylolm_alpha"=plm_ou$optpar,
"phylosem_alpha"=exp(psem_ou$parhat$lnalpha) ), digits=3)
phylolm_alpha |
0.120 |
phylosem_alpha |
0.105 |
# Compare using Pagel's lambda
start_time = Sys.time()
plm_lambda = phylolm::phylolm(y ~ 1 + x, data=Data, phy=tree, model="lambda" )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.02347755 secs
start_time = Sys.time()
psem_lambda = phylosem( sem = "x -> y, p",
data = Data,
tree = tree,
estimate_lambda = TRUE,
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.1226914 secs
knitr::kable(summary(psem_lambda)$coefficients, digits=3)
NA |
Intercept_x |
1.092 |
0.162 |
6.740 |
0.000 |
NA |
Intercept_y |
-0.346 |
0.200 |
1.726 |
0.084 |
x -> y |
p |
1.092 |
0.103 |
10.559 |
0.000 |
x <-> x |
V[x] |
0.284 |
0.025 |
11.367 |
0.000 |
y <-> y |
V[y] |
0.290 |
0.024 |
11.897 |
0.000 |
(Intercept) |
-0.356 |
0.207 |
-1.718 |
0.089 |
x |
1.102 |
0.103 |
10.744 |
0.000 |
knitr::kable(c( "phylolm_lambda"=plm_lambda$optpar,
"phylosem_lambda"=plogis(psem_lambda$parhat$logitlambda) ), digits=3)
phylolm_lambda |
0.980 |
phylosem_lambda |
0.957 |
# Compare using Pagel's kappa
start_time = Sys.time()
plm_kappa = phylolm::phylolm(y ~ 1 + x, data=Data, phy=tree, model="kappa", lower.bound = 0, upper.bound = 3 )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.0066607 secs
start_time = Sys.time()
psem_kappa = phylosem( sem = "x -> y, p",
data = Data,
tree = tree,
estimate_kappa = TRUE,
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.1094129 secs
knitr::kable(summary(psem_kappa)$coefficients, digits=3)
NA |
Intercept_x |
1.078 |
0.186 |
5.783 |
0.000 |
NA |
Intercept_y |
-0.368 |
0.216 |
1.705 |
0.088 |
x -> y |
p |
1.113 |
0.101 |
11.025 |
0.000 |
x <-> x |
V[x] |
0.299 |
0.029 |
10.183 |
0.000 |
y <-> y |
V[y] |
0.300 |
0.029 |
10.343 |
0.000 |
(Intercept) |
-0.370 |
0.216 |
-1.716 |
0.089 |
x |
1.115 |
0.101 |
11.015 |
0.000 |
knitr::kable(c( "phylolm_kappa"=plm_kappa$optpar,
"phylosem_kappa"=exp(psem_kappa$parhat$lnkappa) ), digits=3)
phylolm_kappa |
0.930 |
phylosem_kappa |
0.857 |
Generalized linear models
We also compare results among software for fitting phylogenetic
generalized linear models (PGLM).
Poisson-distributed response
First, we specifically explore a Poisson-distributed PGLM, comparing
against phylolm::phyloglm
(which uses
Generalized Estimating Equations) and phyr::pglmm_compare
(which uses maximum likelihood).
# Settings
Ntree = 100
sd_x = 0.3
sd_y = 0.3
b0_x = 1
b0_y = 0
b_xy = 1
# Simulate tree
tree = ape::rtree(n=Ntree)
# Simulate data
x = b0_x + sd_x * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
ybar = b0_y + b_xy*x
y_normal = ybar + sd_y * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
y_pois = rpois( n=Ntree, lambda=exp(y_normal) )
# Construct, re-order, and reduce data
Data = data.frame(x=x,y=y_pois)
# Compare using phylolm::phyloglm
pglm = phylolm::phyloglm(y ~ 1 + x, data=Data, phy=tree, method="poisson_GEE" )
knitr::kable(summary(pglm)$coefficients, digits=3)
(Intercept) |
-1.098 |
0.633 |
-1.736 |
0.083 |
x |
1.314 |
0.247 |
5.320 |
0.000 |
pglmm = phyr::pglmm_compare(
y ~ 1 + x,
family = "poisson",
data = Data,
phy = tree )
knitr::kable(summary(pglmm), digits=3)
#> Generalized linear mixed model for poisson data fit by restricted maximum likelihood
#> Call:y ~ 1 + x
#> logLik AIC BIC
#> -173.4 354.7 360.6
#> Phylogenetic random effects variance (s2):
#> Variance Std.Dev
#> s2 0.05511 0.2348
#> Fixed effects:
#> Value Std.Error Zscore Pvalue
#> (Intercept) -0.57009 0.30469 -1.8710 0.06134 .
#> x 1.18137 0.19807 5.9645 2.454e-09 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
pgsem = phylosem( sem = "x -> y, p",
data = Data,
family = c("fixed","poisson"),
tree = tree,
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
knitr::kable(summary(pgsem)$coefficients, digits=3)
NA |
Intercept_x |
1.087 |
0.183 |
5.945 |
0.000 |
NA |
Intercept_y |
-0.581 |
0.305 |
1.904 |
0.057 |
x -> y |
p |
1.190 |
0.199 |
5.971 |
0.000 |
x <-> x |
V[x] |
0.315 |
0.022 |
14.072 |
0.000 |
y <-> y |
V[y] |
0.232 |
0.054 |
4.310 |
0.000 |
We also compare results against brms
(which fits a
Bayesian hierarchical model), although we load results from compiled run
of brms
to avoid users having to install STAN to run
vignettes for phylosem
# Comare using Bayesian implementation in brms
Amat <- ape::vcv.phylo(tree)
Data$tips <- rownames(Data)
mcmc <- brm(
y ~ 1 + x + (1 | gr(tips, cov = A)),
data = Data, data2 = list(A = Amat),
family = 'poisson',
cores = 4
knitr::kable(fixef(mcmc), digits = 3)
# Plot them together
pdat <-
coef(summary(pglm))[, 1:2],
data.frame(Estimate = pglmm$B, StdErr = pglmm$,
setNames([1:2], c('Estimate', 'StdErr')),
setNames(summary(pgsem)$coefficients[2:3, 3:4], c('Estimate', 'StdErr'))
pdat$Param <- rep(c('Intercept', 'Slope'), 4)
pdat$Method <- rep( c('phylolm::phyloglm', 'phyr::pglmm_compare',
'brms::brm', 'phylosem::phylosem'), each = 2)
figure = ggplot(pdat, aes(
x = Estimate, xmin = Estimate - StdErr,
xmax = Estimate + StdErr, y = Param, color = Method
)) +
geom_pointrange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.6)) +
theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_line(), panel.grid.minor.x = element_line())

In this instance (and in others we have explored), results from
are generally different while those from
, phyr::pglmm_compare
, and
are close but not quite identical.
Binomial regression
We also compare results for a Bernoulli-distributed response using
PGLM. We again compare phylosem
, and do not explore threshold models
which we expect to give different results due differences in assumptions
about how latent variables affect measurements.
# Settings
Ntree = 100
sd_x = 0.3
sd_y = 0.3
b0_x = 1
b0_y = 0
b_xy = 1
# Simulate tree
tree = ape::rtree(n=Ntree)
# Simulate data
x = b0_x + sd_x * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
ybar = b0_y + b_xy*x
y_normal = ybar + sd_y * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
y_binom = rbinom( n=Ntree, size=1, prob=plogis(y_normal) )
# Construct, re-order, and reduce data
Data = data.frame(x=x,y=y_binom)
pglmm = phyr::pglmm_compare(
y ~ 1 + x,
family = "binomial",
data = Data,
phy = tree )
knitr::kable(summary(pglmm), digits=3)
#> Generalized linear mixed model for binomial data fit by restricted maximum likelihood
#> Call:y ~ 1 + x
#> logLik AIC BIC
#> -63.74 135.47 141.32
#> Phylogenetic random effects variance (s2):
#> Variance Std.Dev
#> s2 0.1076 0.328
#> Fixed effects:
#> Value Std.Error Zscore Pvalue
#> (Intercept) 0.23179 0.60507 0.3831 0.7017
#> x 0.44548 0.45708 0.9746 0.3297
pgsem = phylosem( sem = "x -> y, p",
data = Data,
family = c("fixed","binomial"),
tree = tree,
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
knitr::kable(summary(pgsem)$coefficients, digits=3)
NA |
Intercept_x |
1.087 |
0.183 |
5.945 |
0.000 |
NA |
Intercept_y |
0.204 |
0.589 |
0.346 |
0.730 |
x -> y |
p |
0.458 |
0.468 |
0.977 |
0.328 |
x <-> x |
V[x] |
-0.315 |
0.022 |
14.072 |
0.000 |
y <-> y |
V[y] |
0.290 |
0.284 |
1.020 |
0.308 |
In this instance, phylosem
give similar estimates and standard
errors for the slope term.
Summary of PGLM results
Based on these two comparisons, we conclude that phylosem provides an
interface for maximum-likelihood estimate of phylogenetic generalized
linear models (PGLM), and extends this class to include mixed data
(i.e., a combination of different measurement types), missing data, and
non-recursive structural linkages. However, we also encourage further
cross-testing of different software for fitting phylogenetic generalized
linear models.
Compare with phylopath
We next compare with a single run of phylopath
. This
again confirms that runtimes are within an order of magnitude and
results are identical for standardized or unstandardized
# make copy of data that's rescaled
rhino_scaled = rhino
rhino_scaled[,c("BM","NL","LS","DD","RS")] = scale(rhino_scaled[,c("BM","NL","LS","DD","RS")])
# Fit and plot using phylopath
dag <- DAG(RS ~ DD, LS ~ BM, NL ~ BM, DD ~ NL)
start_time = Sys.time()
result <- est_DAG( DAG = dag,
data = rhino,
tree = rhino_tree,
model = "BM",
measurement_error = FALSE )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.009796381 secs

# Fit and plot using phylosem
model = "
DD -> RS, p1
BM -> LS, p2
BM -> NL, p3
NL -> DD, p4
start_time = Sys.time()
psem = phylosem( sem = model,
data = rhino_scaled[,c("BM","NL","DD","RS","LS")],
tree = rhino_tree,
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.3384206 secs
plot( as_fitted_DAG(psem) )

Comparison with sem
We next compare syntax and runtime against R-package
. This confirms that runtimes are within an order of
magnitude when specifying a star-phylogeny in phylosem
match the assumed structure in sem
# Simulation parameters
n_obs = 50
# Intercepts
a1 = 1
a2 = 2
a3 = 3
a4 = 4
# Slopes
b12 = 0.3
b23 = 0
b34 = 0.3
# Standard deviations
s1 = 0.1
s2 = 0.2
s3 = 0.3
s4 = 0.4
# Simulate data
E1 = rnorm(n_obs, sd=s1)
E2 = rnorm(n_obs, sd=s2)
E3 = rnorm(n_obs, sd=s3)
E4 = rnorm(n_obs, sd=s4)
Y1 = a1 + E1
Y2 = a2 + b12*Y1 + E2
Y3 = a3 + b23*Y2 + E3
Y4 = a4 + b34*Y3 + E4
Data = data.frame(Y1=Y1, Y2=Y2, Y3=Y3, Y4=Y4)
# Specify path diagram (in this case, using correct structure)
equations = "
Y2 = b12 * Y1
Y4 = b34 * Y3
model <- specifyEquations(text=equations, exog.variances=TRUE, endog.variances=TRUE)
# Fit using package:sem
start_time = Sys.time()
Sem <- sem(model, data=Data)
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.01723671 secs
# Specify star phylogeny
tree_null = TreeTools::StarTree(n_obs)
tree_null$edge.length = rep(1,nrow(tree_null$edge))
rownames(Data) = tree_null$tip.label
# Fit using phylosem
start_time = Sys.time()
psem = phylosem( data = Data,
sem = equations,
tree = tree_null,
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.05810785 secs
We then compare estimated values for standardized coefficients
Y1 -> Y2 |
b12 |
0.345 |
Y3 -> Y4 |
b34 |
0.343 |
and also compare values for unstandardized coefficients:
b12 |
0.660 |
b34 |
0.390 |
V[Y1] |
0.010 |
V[Y2] |
0.038 |
V[Y3] |
0.098 |
V[Y4] |
0.126 |
Y1 -> Y2 |
b12 |
0.660 |
Y3 -> Y4 |
b34 |
0.390 |
Y1 <-> Y1 |
V[Y1] |
0.010 |
Y2 <-> Y2 |
V[Y2] |
0.038 |
Y3 <-> Y3 |
V[Y3] |
0.098 |
Y4 <-> Y4 |
V[Y4] |
0.126 |
Comparison with Rphylopars
Finally, we compare syntax and runtime against R-package
. This confirms that we can impute identical
estimates using both packages, when specifying a full-rank covariance in
We note that phylosem
also allows parsimonious
representations of the trait covariance via the inputted SEM
# Format data, within no values for species t1
Data = rhino[,c("BM","NL","DD","RS","LS")]
rownames(Data) = tree$tip.label
Data['t1',] = NA
# fit using phylopars
start_time = Sys.time()
pars <- phylopars( trait_data = cbind(species=rownames(Data),Data),
tree = tree,
pheno_error = FALSE,
phylo_correlated = TRUE,
pheno_correlated = FALSE)
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.1049569 secs
# Display estimates for missing values
knitr::kable(cbind( "Estimate"=pars$anc_recon["t1",], "Var"=pars$anc_var["t1",] ), digits=3)
BM |
1.266 |
1.941 |
NL |
1.600 |
1.856 |
DD |
2.301 |
1.708 |
RS |
0.431 |
1.909 |
LS |
1.083 |
1.347 |
# fit using phylosem
start_time = Sys.time()
psem = phylosem( data = Data,
tree = tree,
sem = "",
covs = "BM, NL, DD, RS, LS",
control = phylosem_control(quiet = TRUE) )
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.5145512 secs
# Display estimates for missing values
"Estimate"=as.list(psem$sdrep,"Estimate")$x_vj[ match("t1",tree$tip.label), ],
"Var"=as.list(psem$sdrep,"Std. Error")$x_vj[ match("t1",tree$tip.label), ]^2
), digits=3)
1.266 |
1.941 |
1.600 |
1.856 |
2.301 |
1.708 |
0.431 |
1.910 |
1.083 |
1.347 |