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Plot from a fitted dsem model


stepwise_selection(model_options, model_shared, quiet = FALSE, ...)



character-vector containing sem elements that could be included or dropped depending upon their parsimony


character-vector containing sem elements that must be included regardless of parsimony


whether to avoid displaying progress to terminal


arguments passed to dsem, other than sem e.g., tsdata, family etc.


An object (list) that includes:


the string with the selected SEM model


a list showing the AIC and whether each model_options is included or not


This function conducts stepwise (i.e., forwards and backwards) model selection using marginal AIC, while forcing some model elements to be included and selecting among others.


# Simulate x -> y -> z
x = rnorm(100)
y = 0.5*x + rnorm(100)
z = 1*y + rnorm(100)
tsdata = ts(data.frame(x=x, y=y, z=z))

# define candidates
model_options = c(
  "y -> z, 0, y_to_z",
  "x -> z, 0, x_to_z"
# define paths that are required
model_shared = "
  x -> y, 0, x_to_y

# Do selection
step = stepwise_selection(
  model_options = model_options,
  model_shared = model_shared,
  tsdata = tsdata,
  quiet = TRUE
#> List of estimated fixed and random effects:
#>   Coefficient_name Number_of_coefficients   Type
#> 1           beta_z                      4  Fixed
#> 2             mu_j                      3 Random
#> Running nlminb_loop #1
#> Running newton_loop #1
#> List of estimated fixed and random effects:
#>   Coefficient_name Number_of_coefficients   Type
#> 1           beta_z                      5  Fixed
#> 2             mu_j                      3 Random
#> Running nlminb_loop #1
#> Running newton_loop #1
#> List of estimated fixed and random effects:
#>   Coefficient_name Number_of_coefficients   Type
#> 1           beta_z                      5  Fixed
#> 2             mu_j                      3 Random
#> Running nlminb_loop #1
#> Running newton_loop #1
#> List of estimated fixed and random effects:
#>   Coefficient_name Number_of_coefficients   Type
#> 1           beta_z                      5  Fixed
#> 2             mu_j                      3 Random
#> Running nlminb_loop #1
#> Running newton_loop #1
#> List of estimated fixed and random effects:
#>   Coefficient_name Number_of_coefficients   Type
#> 1           beta_z                      4  Fixed
#> 2             mu_j                      3 Random
#> Running nlminb_loop #1
#> Running newton_loop #1
#> List of estimated fixed and random effects:
#>   Coefficient_name Number_of_coefficients   Type
#> 1           beta_z                      6  Fixed
#> 2             mu_j                      3 Random
#> Running nlminb_loop #1
#> Running newton_loop #1

# Check selected model
#> y -> z, 0, y_to_z
#>   x -> y, 0, x_to_y