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  • James Thorson. Author, maintainer.

  • Maurice Goodman. Contributor.

  • Wouter van der Bijl. Contributor.
    template for d-separation test


Source: inst/CITATION

Thorson, J. T., Andrews, A. G., Essington, T., & Large, S. (2024). Dynamic structural equation models synthesize ecosystem dynamics constrained by ecological mechanisms. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15(4): 744-755.

  title = {Dynamic structural equation models synthesize ecosystem dynamics constrained by ecological mechanisms},
  journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution},
  volume = {15},
  number = {4},
  pages = {744-755},
  year = {2024},
  doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.14289},
  url = {},
  author = {J. T. Thorson and A. G. Andrews and T. Essington and S. Large},