Plots an ellipse representing the bivariate predictive inteval
- Cov
2x2 matrix representing covariance
- Mean
numeric vector (length of 2) representing Empirical Bayes prediction of median
- add
Boolean whether to add ellipse to existing plot
- prob
for defining predictive interval
- xlim
x-limits if
- ylim
y-limits if
- logticks
ticks to use if plotting on a log-scale
- ticks
ticks to use if plotting on a natural-scale
- main
legend for each panel
- xlab
x-axis label
- ylab
y-axis label
- lcol
line color for ellipse
- plot_lines
whether to plot lines representing "major axis" and "OLS" regression parameters
- ...
additional arguments passed to
- whichlog
which axes are log-scale