estimates parameters and predicts values from a multivariate random-walk model for fish traits
text = NULL,
Database = FishLife::FishBase_and_RAM,
tree = Database$tree,
Y_ij = Database$Y_ij,
Z_ik = Database$Z_ik,
N_factors = 0,
N_obsfactors = 0,
min_replicate_measurements = 0,
SR_obs = Database$SR_obs,
StockData = Database$StockData,
group_j = 1:ncol(Y_ij) - 1,
Version = "Taxon_v3_0_0",
TmbDir = system.file("executables", package = "FishLife"),
RunDir = tempfile(pattern = "run_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = "/"),
verbose = FALSE,
debug_mode = FALSE,
j_SR = ncol(Y_ij) - 3:1,
additional_variance = c(0, 0),
SD_b_stock = 10,
b_type = 0,
Turn_off_taxonomy = FALSE,
Pen_lowvar_lnRhat = 1,
lowerbound_MLSPS = 1,
Use_RAM_Mvalue_TF = TRUE,
rho_space = "natural",
n_sims = 1000,
n_batches = NULL,
include_r = TRUE,
PredTF_stock = NULL,
extract_covariance = FALSE,
run_model = TRUE,
multinomial_for_factors = FALSE,
Params = "Generate",
Random = "Generate",
Map = "Generate",
add_predictive = FALSE,
- text
structural equation model structure, passed to either
and then parsed to control the set of path coefficients and variance-covariance parameters- Database
Whether to use results for both adult and stock-recruit parameters,
, or just adult parameters,Database="FishBase"
- tree
phylogenetic structure, using class
. Iftree=NULL
then argumentZ_ik
is instead converted to a tree usingape::as.phylo( ~Class/Order/Family/Genus/GenusSpecies, ... )
to convert it to a tree- Y_ij
a data frame of trait values (perhaps log-scaled) with rows for records, and tagged-columns for traits
- Z_ik
a data frame of taxonomic classification for each row of
- Use_REML
OPTIONAL boolean whether to use maximum marginal likelihood or restricted maximum likelihood (termed "REML")
- N_factors
Number of factors in decomposition of covariance for random-walk along evolutionary tree (0 means a diagonal but unequal covariance; negative is the sum of a factor decomposition and a diagonal-but-unequal covariance)
- N_obsfactors
Number of factors in decomposotion of observation covariance (same format as
)- min_replicate_measurements
specified threshold for the number of measurements for a given continuous traits, where any continuous trait having fewer replicated measurements for at least one taxon will have the measurement variance fixed at an arbitrarily low value, such that estimated traits are forced to approach the unreplicated measurements
- SR_obs
Stock-recruit records from RAM Legacy stock-recruit database
- StockData
Auxiliary information for every stock with stock-recruit information
- Version
TMB version number
- TmbDir
Directory containing pre-compiled TMB script
- RunDir
Directory to use when compiling and running TMB script (different to avoid problems with read-write restrictions)
- verbose
Boolean whether to print diagnostics to terminal
- run_model
Boolean indicating whether to run the model or just return the built TMB object
- Params
optional list of parameter estimates to use as starting values (Default
starts from random values)- ...
other paramers passed to
- Process_cov
Whether process-error covariance is equal or differs multiplicatively for different taxonomic levels (Options: "Equal" or "Unequal")
Tagged list containing objects from FishLife run (first 9 slots constitute list 'Estimate_database' for archiving results)
- tree
The phylogenetic tree used for analysis, whether inputted or generated from taxonomy based on
- SEM_model
The phylogenetic tree used for analysis, whether inputted or generated from taxonomy based on
- N_factors
Number of factors used for evolution in life-history model
- N_obsfactors
Number of factors used for measurent-error in life-history model
- Use_REML
Boolean, whether REML was used for model
- Cov_gjj
Covariance among traits for every taxon in tree
- ParentChild_gz
Record of taxonomic tree
- ParHat
Parameter estimates and predictions
- g_i
Associates every observation with a level of the taxonomic tree
- Y_ij
Raw data
- Z_ik
Taxonomy for each datum
- Obj
The built TMB object
- Opt
Output from optimization
- Report
tagged list of report-file from TMB
- ParHat_SE
Estimated/predicted standard errors for fixed/random effects
if (FALSE) {
# Load data set
# Simulate data
tree = ape::rtree(n=100)
xfit = x = 1 + 0.3 * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
yfit = y = 2 + 1*x + 0.3 * phylolm::rTrait(n = 1, phy=tree)
drop_x = sample( 1:ape::Ntip(tree), replace=FALSE, size=round(ape::Ntip(tree)*0.3) )
xfit[drop_x] = NA
drop_y = sample( 1:ape::Ntip(tree), replace=FALSE, size=round(ape::Ntip(tree)*0.3) )
yfit[drop_y] = NA
# Fit model
Fit = Fit_model(
text = "x -> y, p",
Database = NULL,
Y_ij = data.frame( x=xfit, y=yfit ),
tree = tree,
min_replicate_measurements = Inf )
# S3-defaults
# Convet and plot using sem
mysem = as(Fit,"sem")
sem::pathDiagram( model = mysem,
style = "traditional",
edge.labels = "values" )
myplot = semPlot::semPlotModel( as(Fit,"sem") )
semPlot::semPaths( myplot,
nodeLabels = myplot@Vars$name )
# Convert and plot using phylobase / phylosignal
plot( as(Fit,"phylo4d") )