Wolf environmental DNA in southeast Alaska
Data to demonstrate multivariate Tweedie GAM for spatial analysis
Data sufficient to demonstrate how to use a Tweedie GLM to provide inference about proportions e.g. in food habits analysis, where the model output is processed to represent a multivariate logit Tweedie model.
Specifically includes environmental DNA sampling of wolf scats obtained in Southeast Alaska.
Latitude for scat sampleLongitude
Longitude for scat samplegroup
prey groupings from eDNA smaplesResponse
relative read abundance calculated as the mean proportion of DNA sequence reads from each species among samples from a given scat
Roffler, G. H., J. M. Allen, A. Massey, and T. Levi. 2021. Wolf Dietary Diversity in an Island Archipelago. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 102: 1-6. doi:10.1002/bes2.1834