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Data to demonstrate multivariate Tweedie GAM for spatial analysis




A data long-form data frame


Data sufficient to demonstrate how to use a Tweedie GLM to provide inference about proportions e.g. in food habits analysis, where the model output is processed to represent a multivariate logit Tweedie model.

Specifically includes environmental DNA sampling of wolf scats obtained in Southeast Alaska.

  • Latitude Latitude for scat sample

  • Longitude Longitude for scat sample

  • group prey groupings from eDNA smaples

  • Response relative read abundance calculated as the mean proportion of DNA sequence reads from each species among samples from a given scat


Roffler, G. H., J. M. Allen, A. Massey, and T. Levi. 2021. Wolf Dietary Diversity in an Island Archipelago. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 102: 1-6. doi:10.1002/bes2.1834


Gretchen Roffler