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Data to demonstrate multivariate Tweedie GAM for time-series




A data long-form data frame


Data sufficient to demonstrate how to use a Tweedie Generalized Additive Model to provide inference about proportions e.g. in food habits analysis, where the model output is processed to represent a multivariate logit Tweedie model.

Specifically includes Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) bill loads sampled at Middleton Island.

  • Response Numeric prey biomass in bill load samples

  • Year Numeric year

  • group factor representing prey species or category

  • SampleID factor with a level for every sampling occasion, e.g., for use in row normalization


Hatch, S., and G. Sanger. 1992. Puffins as Samplers of Juvenile Pollock and Other Forage Fish in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 80: 1-14.


Mayumi Arimitsu